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 2020-08-11 22:47:40  

摘 要





With the development of industrial technology and social progress, in the field of color recognition is widely used in industrial detection and automatic control of the field.In the development process, for the production process of human eye color recognition work is gradually the corresponding color Standard sensor instead. For example: in the library managers often through the identification of the color to classify the relevant literature, so that the literature easier to find, the food industry has also used in the packaging to the corresponding color sensor and so on. However, today's color sensor is usually not with the corresponding A / D conversion module, often only to the analog output rather than the direct output of the digital. It is necessary to perform the recognition of the color, and the corresponding A / D conversion module must be added to the output RGB value. However, the TCS230 color sensor is able to directly identify the color, and does not need the corresponding A / D module, because it can directly convert the color to the corresponding RGB output, which greatly facilitates the field of color recognition, Industry, food processing, etc. have been greatly applied.

The design is based on the TCS230 color sensor on the basis of STM32 chip to achieve the identification of color, in the design process to TCS230 as the core, the use of STM32 as a basic control, will be measured out of color and then through the LCD1206 to show it.In the design,using color recognition algorithm and white balance principle makes more accurate for the data.

Key words: TCS230 color sensor STM32 LCD1602A color mark sensor


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 主要工作及意义 1

1.2 本章小结 2

第1章 色标传感器及颜色识别技术介绍 3

2.1 色标传感器技术 3

2.2颜色识别 3

2.3 颜色识别算法 4

2.4 本章小结 5

第3章 色标传感器的硬件设计 6

3.1 STM32的基本介绍 6

3.2 光电检测及信号处理模块 6

3.3 TCS230的电路设计 6

3.3.1 TCS230的特点 7

3.3.2 TCS230的电路模块 7

3.3.3 TCS230边缘扩展电路 8

3.4 LCD1602A的电路设计 9

3.5 本章小结 11

第4章 色标传感器的软件设计 12

4.1 光源及光电转换 12

4.2 TCS230颜色采集模块 13

4.3 信号阀值调节 17

4.4 液晶显示LCD1602A模块 17

4.5实验测试及分析 19

4.5.1 实验测试 19

4.5.2 实验数据分析 20

4.6 本章小结 20

第5章 结论与展望 21

5.1 结论 21

5.2 展望 21

致谢 23

参考文献 22

第1章 绪论






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