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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2020-07-09 20:40:33  

摘 要





Effect of Water Vapor Addition on Dielectric Barrier Discharge Hydrogen Production by Methane Reforming with Dielectric Barrier Discharge


Dielectric barrier discharge due to its inherent characteristics makes its application in different fields become a research hotspot. Especially for assisted carbon dioxide reforming methane hydrogen production has a good use. In this paper, a set of experimental system for carbon dioxide reforming of methane with low temperature plasma based on coaxial DBD reactor is established, and the discharge characteristics of the reaction system for adding water vapor and adding different amounts of water vapor and the final reactant conversion of the reforming reaction are studied.

The experiment was performed at a high-frequency power source with a center frequency of 10 kHz. The external electrode of the DBD reaction device was grounded, the air gap was 2.5 mm, the length of the external electrode was 10 cm, the input power was 100 W, and the flow rate of the reaction gas was 50 ml/min. Now change the ratio of CH4/CO2 to 1:1 and 2:1 and adjust the water vapor content to 3%, 5%, 7.7%, 10%, and 12% respectively. It mainly introduces the physical and chemical characteristics of DBD during the experimental process. The physical characteristics include the discharge characteristics, light emission characteristics and temperature characteristics. The chemical characteristics include the conversion rate into the reaction gas, the yield and selectivity of the product after the reaction, and The energy efficiency of the entire reaction.

The results show that the addition of water vapor can adjust the hydrogen yield, and can effectively suppress the formation of carbon deposits. However, the excessive water vapor has an adverse effect on the discharge stability. Therefore, the final ratio of CH4/CO2 is 2. The water vapor concentration is about 5%. When the CH4 and CO2 reforming experiments are best. At this time, the conversion rates of CH4 and CO2 are the highest, the yield and selectivity of H2 are also high, and the yield and selectivity of CO are relatively low, the energy efficiency is relatively high, and the discharge of DBD is relatively stable, which is favorable for the experiment.

Key words: dielectric barrier discharge, cold plasma, water, methane, carbon dioxide


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.1.1 传统能源枯竭与新能源开发 1

1.1.2 甲烷重整技术 1

1.2 低温等离子体放电 2

1.2.1 电晕放电 2

1.2.2 辉光放电 2

1.2.3 滑动弧放电 2

1.2.4 微波放电 2

1.2.5 介质阻挡放电 3

1.3 研究现状 3

1.3.1 国内外的研究成果 3

1.3.2 对研究现状的分析 5

1.4 研究内容和目的 5

第二章实验设计和实验装置 6

2.1 介质阻挡放电辅助甲烷二氧化碳重整反应装置 6

2.1.1 DBD反应器结构 6

2.1.2 实验装置系统接线 6

2.2 实验方法 7

2.3 分析方法和反应性能评价 8

2.3.1 分析方法 8

2.3.2 反应性能评价 8

2.4 实验原料及仪器设备 9

2.1.1 气体原料 9

2.1.2 实验仪器设备 9

第三章 DBD辅助甲烷二氧化碳重整的物理特性 11

3.1 放电特性 11

3.1.1 CH4/CO2比例为1的放电特性 11

3.1.2 CH4/CO2比例为2的放电特性 14

3.2 发光特性 17

3.2.1 CH4/CO2比例为1的发光特性 17

3.2.2 CH4/CO2比例为2的发光特性 18

3.3 温度特性 19

第四章 DBD辅助甲烷二氧化碳重整的化学特性 20

4.1 CH4/CO2比例为1的化学特性 20

4.1.1 转化率 20

4.1.2 产率 21

4.1.3 选择性 23

4.1.4 能量效率 24

4.2 CH4/CO2比例为2的化学特性 25

4.2.1 转化率 25

4.2.2 产率 26

4.2.3 选择性 27

4.2.4 能量效率 28

4.3 比较CH4/CO2比例为1和比例为2的化学特性 29

第五章总结 32

参考文献 33

致谢 35








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