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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文


 2020-06-24 19:48:14  

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

1. 通过查阅中外文文献及相关资料确定实验方案,并撰写开题报告; 2. 要求学生学习实验室安全管理规程、实验规范操作方式、熟悉各种仪器设备的操作流程并能够独立操作; 3. 熟练掌握一系列锰基整体式催化剂的制备,独立记录实验数据,并完成催化剂的活性测试; 4. 学会对表征结果进行解释说明(XRD、FT-IR、SEM、TEM等表征手段),掌握CAD、Origin等分析软件,能够对实验中出现的问题,能够独立思考、解决问题; 5.能够有效的对实验数据进行系统化整理与分析、独立进行论文的写作。

2. 参考文献

[1] Development of a stacked wire-mesh structure for diesel soot combustion [2]Cao C, Xing L, Yang Y, et al. The monolithic transition metal oxide crossed nanosheets used for diesel soot combustion under gravitational contact mode[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 406:245-253. [3]Ban#250;s E D, Milt V G, Mir#243; E E, et al. Catalytic coating synthesized onto cordierite monolith walls. Its application to diesel soot combustion[J]. Applied Catalysis B Environmental, 2013, s 132#8211;133(12):479-486. [4]Tuler F E, Ban#250;s E D, Zanuttini M A, et al. Ceramic papers as flexible structures for the development of novel diesel soot combustion catalysts[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 246(246):287-298. [5]Peralta M A, Zanuttini M S, Ulla M A, et al. Diesel soot and NO x, abatement on K/La 2 O 3, catalyst: Influence of K precursor on soot combustion[J]. Applied Catalysis A General, 2011, 399(1#8211;2):161-171. [6]Ma J, Ning Y, Gong C, et al. Three dimensionally ordered macroporous (3DOM) SiOC on cordierite monolith inner wall and its properties for soot combustion[J]. Rsc Advances, 2015, 5(66):53441-53447. [7]Nascimento L F, Serra O A. Washcoating of cordierite honeycomb with ceria-copper mixed oxides for catalytic diesel soot combustion[J]. Process Safety Environmental Protection, 2016, 101:134-143. [8]Zhang Z, Zhang Y, Wang Z, et al. Catalytic performance and mechanism of potassium-promoted Mg#8211;Al hydrotalcite mixed oxides for soot combustion with O2[J]. Journal of Catalysis, 2010, 271(1):12-21. [9] Feng N, Chen C, Meng J, et al. Facile synthesis of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous silicon-doped La0.8K0.2CoO3 perovskite catalysts for soot combustion[J]. Catalysis Science Technology, 2016, 6(21). [10] Qi G, Zhang Y, Chen A, et al. Potassium‐activated wire mesh: A stable monolithic catalyst for diesel soot combustion[J]. Chemical Engineering Technology, 2016, 40(1). [11] Neyertz C A, Ban#250;s E D, Mir#243; E E, et al. Potassium-promoted Ce0.65Zr0.35O2 monolithic catalysts for diesel soot combustion[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 248(14):394-405.

3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排

-2018年2月 查阅中外文文献及相关资料确定实验方案 -2018年3月 以不同锰源为原料通过水热法制备整体式催化剂 -2018年4月 对制备得催化剂进行活性测试 -2018年5月 利用XRD、FT-IR、SEM、TEM等表征手段对制备的催化剂进行表征分析 -2018年6月 独立完成论文的写作

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