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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2020-06-16 07:05:28  

摘 要



关键词:产学研合作 知识创造 关键要素 案例启示 对策建议

Analysis on the Key Factors of Knowledge Creation in the Industry-University-Research Collaboration


With the economic development and innovation, human social and economic growth more and more rely on the input of knowledge.And Industry-University-Research Collaboration as an important way to promote the development of knowledge, has been the world's governments and enterprises attach great importance.However, in the process of Industry-University-Research Collaboration, the development of knowledge creation is not perfect, there are still many shortcomings.Therefore, in order to improve the effectiveness of knowledge creation, this paper studies and analyzes the key elements of knowledge creation in the cooperation of industry, academia and research.

This article mainly through the literature research and case analysis method, from the production and research cooperation three main elements of their own elements, the relationship between the main elements and the government elements of the three aspects of the analysis.Through the study of the relevant periodicals, this study has put forward the key factors which influence the knowledge creation in the Industry-University-Research Collaboration, and put forward their own opinions and elaborated on the basis of the book.Combined with the typical case, learn from the successful experience, come to inspiration, and then based on key elements and inspiration, sort out the corresponding solutions and countermeasures.

Key Words: Industry-University-Research Collaboration; Knowledge creation; Key elements; Case revelation; Counter measures and suggestions

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2文献综述 1

1.3研究意义 2

1.4研究思路 2

1.5研究方法 3

第二章 产学研合作中知识创造的相关理论概述 4

2.1产学研合作相关理论概述 4

2.2知识创造相关理论概述 4

2.3产学研合作中知识创造的相关理论概述 5

第三章 产学研合作中知识创造的关键要素分析 6

3.1主体自身要素 6

3.1.1企业自身要素 6

3.1.2学研方自身要素 7

3.2主体间关系要素 8

3.2.1主体间利益分配机制 8

3.2.2主体间的信任关系 9

3.2.3主体间的文化价值差异 9

3.2.4主体间的合作模式 9

3.3政府要素 10

第四章 案例分析 11

4.1案例简介 11

4.1.1案例背景 11

4.1.2案例介绍 11

4.2案例分析 11

4.2.1主体自身要素 12

4.2.2主体间关系要素 13

4.3案例启示 13

第五章 提高产学研合作中知识创造绩效的对策研究 14

5.1企业应加强对产学研合作的重视 15

5.2学研方对自身能力的改善 15

5.3选择合适的合作模式 15

5.4政府对策 16

结语 17

参考文献 18

致谢 19

第一章 绪论






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