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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文

羧甲基菊粉对Ca2 、Ba2 阻垢性能的研究任务书

 2020-06-11 22:19:19  

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求





2. 参考文献

[1] 王秀艳, 廖久明. 水质阻垢剂DPP的合成及性能研究[J]. 精细石油化工, 1997, 5: 9-12. [2] Nancollas G H, Thomas F K. A controlled composition study of calcium carbonate crystal growth: the influence of scale inhibitors[J]. Corrosion, 1981, 37(2): 76-88. [3] 纪永亮. 水处理药剂研究及应用学术研讨会论文评介[J]. 工业水处理, 1995, 15(6): 1-4. [4] 霍宇凝, 陆柱. 聚合物阻垢剂研究进展[J]. 水处理技术, 2000, 26(4): 199-202. [5] Godlewski I T, Schuck J J, Libutti B L. Polymers for use in water treatment: US, 4029577 [P]. 1977. [6] Cuisia D G, Hwa C M. Method of inhibiting scale: US, 4048066 [P]. 1977. [7] Godlewski I T, Schuck J J, Chisarric A S. Copolymers for the control of the formation and deposition of materials in aqueous mediums: US, 4288327 [P]. 1981. [8] 叶君, 第十二届美国总统绿色化学挑战奖[J]. 化工进展, 2007, 26(9): 1359-1360. [9] 唐大为. 迈向21世纪-联合国环境与发展大会文献汇编[M]. 北京: 中国环境科学出版社, 1992. [10] Koskan L P, Low K C. Polyaspartic acid as a calcium sulfate and a barium sulfate inhibitor: US, 5116513 [P]. 1992. [11] Wood L L, Calton G J. Process for preparing polysuccinimide by high temperature reaction: US, 5610267 [P]. 1997. [12] Low K C, Wheeler A P, Koskan L P. Commercial poly(aspartic acid) and its uses[J], Advances in Chemistry Series, 1996, 248(Hydrophilic Polymers):99-111. [13] 魏刚, 许亚男, 熊蓉春. 阻垢剂的可生物降解性研究[J]. 北京化工大学学报, 2001, 28(1): 59-62. [14] 侯振宇, 张秋禹, 李丹, 等. 聚环氧琥珀酸钠的合成及其阻垢性能研究[J]. 工业用水与废水, 2006, 37(2): 73-76. [15] Liu D, Dong W B, Franck H, et al. Comparative performance of polyepoxysuccinic acid and polyaspartic acid on scaling inhibition by static and rapid controlled precipitation methods[J]. Desalination, 2012, 304: 1-10. [16] Compton R G, Daly P J. The dissolution/precipition kinetics of calcium carbonate: an assessment of various kinetics equations using a rotating disk electrode[J]. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 1987, 115(2): 493-498. [17] Patel S, Nicol A J. Developing a cooling water inhibitor with multifunctional deposit control properties[J]. Material Performance, 1996, 35(6): 41-53. [18] Geiger G E. Improve corrosion and deposition control in alkaline cooling water systems[J]. Hydrocarbon Processing, 1996, 75(1): 93-98. [19] He S L, Kan A T, Tomson M B. Mathematical inhibitor model for barium sulfate scale control[J]. Langmuir, 1996, 12: 1901-1905. [20] 程云章, 翟祥华, 葛红花, 等. 阻垢剂的阻垢机理及性能评定[J]. 华东电力, 2003, (7): 14-18. [21] Suitor J W, Marner W J, Ritter R B. The history and status of research in fouling of heat exchanger in cooling water servied[J]. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 1997, 55(4): 374-380. [22] 郑邦乾, 朱清泉. 高分子阻垢剂及其阻垢机理[J]. 油田化学, 1984, (2): 181-188.

3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排

1、2月10号至3月10号#8212;#8212;准备阶段 对相关文献进行翻译,并撰写实验计划和开题报告。

2、3月10号4月中旬#8212;#8212;实验阶段 进行静态阻垢实验,改变阻垢剂浓度、取代度、ph、温度及恒温时间,考察阻垢率的变化规律。

3、4月中旬到5月中旬#8212;#8212;总结阶段 通过对实验数据分析计算以及垢样的表征,对阻垢过程中作用的机理进行总结。

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